Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Make Elegant In Your Photo

Make Elegant Effect In Your Photo

Before start, prepare your photo and some “nirmana” what want to include in the photo.
  1. After you finish the preparing, the first step is selective the object with quick selection tool (W) in the Tools.
  2. Usually, the object is not perfect if just like this. Now you can zoom the photo with zoom tool (Z) and you can selective again to make the object better. To change size diameter the slective tool, you can press “[” to make small and ”]” to make big.
  3. After that, we must duplicate the object with press ctrl + J. If success, the layers will like this.
  4. After that, we can change the background with the mosaic tiles effect. Before this you must duplicate the background with press ctrl + J. Then, click filter -> texture -> mosaic tiles and press OK.
  5. Give the lens flare effect in the background with press filter -> render -> lens flare.
  6. Change the picture color with press layer -> new adjustment layer -> hue/saturation. After that bringhue/saturation to the top or front in the layers like this.
  7. We can give the other object. If me, I give wings and splash object with press file -> open -> and browse our file what want to use. After that drag the file into the first layer, then manage until look great. Don’t forget bring backward layer 1 until like this.
  8. Finally, give dark strokes effect in the first object (layer 1) with click layer 1, then click filter -> brush strokes -> dark strokes and then click OK. To give light in the place what we want, we can use dodge tool (O).
Finish, and this is the result

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